Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's OK!

Ok, so I'm onto my 2nd linkup of the day! I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but I couldn't resist the pinterest linkup and I always love "It's OK Thursdays!" Plus who doesn't want to hear more from me?? (I kid.) 

It's OK...
-to have 2 blog posts in a day!
-that I left myself 20 minutes to shower, get ready for work/pack my breakfast and lunch, and get out the door
-that my hair is styled in an awesome wet braid this morning...due to said rushing.
-that even though there's 2 of us, we have 3 cars because inevitably only 2 work at a time...point made yesterday when we left for Bible study and the van decided it didn't want to cooperate...
-that I've been on a baking kick lately
-that I'm truly putting effort into my friendships in a way I haven't before...and it feels good!
-that I've had my DSLR camera for two days now and have yet to "play with it"...I think it's because I know I don't know what I'm doing yet :)
-that I have my first blate tonight with the fabulous Taylor
-that I feel dumb when I tell my non-blogging friends about my blate...and it's ok that they all say "are you sure it's not a 40 year old man?"...awesome, thanks for the encouragement.
-that I don't fully get the concept of validated parking and ended up paying for parking yesterday because I was panicked with people waiting behind me...wanted to yell, "but it was validated!"...yeah, I'm a mess.
-that I look up the calories in food at the restaurant before I get there (it's good to be prepared!)
-to fully recognize that God has complete control over this crazy life of ours and I'm so thankful!
-to already be thinking about what I want to take for food to our family Thanksgiving
-to be slightly dreading Christmas...only because it's my first one NOT with my family...oh marriage, why must we share Christmas??
-that I hit 50 followers yesterday! Wow, such a long way from the 7 I had going steady for a year! Thanks to everyone who reads!
What are you OK with today??


  1. a blate! how fun! hope it goes well :) also I too have been thinking of what I want to bring to thanksgiving. hey its important!

  2. our Blate is going to be awesome!! ;) And I promise...I am not a 40 year old man! LOL And I am in a Thanksgiving dilemma already!! Not cool family, not cool! ;) And I get the shared year with my family for Thanksgiving and then his for Christmas and then we switch. Can't wait to meet you!! :)

  3. I found your blog through Taylor! I grew up with her and I can assure you, she's not a 40 year old man. ;) She's awesome. Hope y'all have a fun blate!

    Love your blog and will be following along now. :)

  4. Aww! Congrats on the 50+ followers! :) Have fun with your new camera!

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested :)

  5. wet hair in a cute braid means beautiful waves later!!

  6. I do the wet braid now and then because my curly hair hates me and my husband isn't a fan of it. But then men have it easy when it comes to hair.

    Stopping by from Its OK Thursday - hope you don't mind a new follower :)
