Friday, October 12, 2012


It's Friday!!! Besides being the last work day of the week and the beginning of a fabulous weekend, it's also time for my weekly linkup with Adventures of Newlyweds!
Dear husband I am so proud of you for getting up super early for your first day at your new job! I'm so grateful that God provided this job for you (and us) and am praying your first day goes well!! Dear mom I'm so excited that I will be seeing you AGAIN in just a month from now! Dear weekend you better be full of relaxation, rest, and a little productivity...that is all. Dear New England despite our weekend visit I still ache to be reunited with you. Dear God thank you for your perfect timing! It's hard to see it most of the time, but I'm so glad you are the one who orders our steps! Dear landlord super excited for your random "inspection" today...not. Although I know I compulsively keep my house nicer than most people, so I'm fine. And I pretty sure I'm one of the few renters who scrubbed their carpet for the inspection (yeah I just take pride in my home, so I wanted it to be look  nice!) Dear husband thanks for our impromptu lunch date at Denny's! Takes me back to when we were first dating and we ate there all the time! (so we could spend hours talking and drinking coffee). Also hubs, I'm so proud of you for being so dedicated to eating healthy and exercising! I look forward to our bike ride tonight!

Who/what are your letters written to today??



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